A Glimpse At Most Ideal Sleeping Directions As Per Vastu Consultant
While going out for navigation on ocean, what is the first and foremost thing that sailors carry? Obviously, it is a compass for tracing the direction. Similarly, vastu consultant focus on the direction of various aspects while giving vastu tips and remedies. Today, we are going to discuss all the sleeping direction as per vastu shastra. Before exploring these directional orientations, we need to understand what referred as sleeping direction. While lying down for sleeping, our head points out in certain direction, right! This is our sleeping direction . If it points towards north, your sleeping direction is north and so on. So, lets understand the implication of each direction. 1. Sleeping With Head Pointing Towards South As per vastu consultant, south is the direction of the house of Yama. Yama is the deity who is associated with happiness, wealth and positivity. So, sleeping in this direction helps you gain these aspects in life. Moreover, it aligns with the Earth’s magnetic...