Does West Facing House Means Bad Vastu? Explains Vastu Experts

West facing house vastus are unpopular among folks as they are considered to bring bad luck. But vastu consultant says that it happens because people spread misconception, which results due to insufficient knowledge of vastu shastra. 

Today, we will analyse West facing house vastu from the perspective of vastu shastra

Sun rises in the east and sets in the west directions. Thus, people believe that east represents gaining energies and power, while west represents loss of these attributes. But this is not accurate, from aspects of either vastu of common sense.

East facing property receives sunlight in the first half of the day, but west facing properties also receive them, during the second half of the day. Moreover, vastu believes that all the directions are auspicious, if certain rules of vastu shastra is followed closely.

A vastu compliant home needs to follows many strings of rule, not just the facing direction. If the property implements them, it offers a happy and prosperous in it, with the near and dear ones. 

Thus, in a nutshell, it can be said that a west facing house vastu is as good as north facing vastu or the other facing properties. Only makes sure to seek vastu consultation from home from vastu experts. 

To get complete vastu for home, rely on the experts of Vaastu Mangaal. With the help of in-depth knowledge and expertise, our vastu gurus can transform any property perfectly aligned as per the vastu rules. 


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