Best Vastu Consultant in Kolkata Explains the Importance of Timely Marriage!

Best vastu consultant in Kolkata reveals that the problem of delayed marriage is becoming a common

problem these days.

Many men and women of marriageable age are reluctant to settle down due to many reasons. Many of

these reasons are directly- indirectly linked to some vastu aspect.

Some of the reasons for late marriage are listed as follows by Best vastu consultant in Kolkata-

i. Lack of finding good match- if you don’t get good marriage prospects at the first place, it

becomes almost impossible to get married for obvious reasons.

ii. Getting good match, but not proceeding with marriage-it also happens many time that even

after getting many good matches none are proceeding towards marriage.

iii. Reluctant in setting down- either due to fear of commitment or other reason, many

individual are simply not willing to get married.

iv. Some vastu defects- some vastu defects don’t allow any auspicious even to take place in the

vastu, which can include marriage and childbirth.

Though it might look like random factors, but usually these happen due to some or the other underlying

vastu defect in the home itself.

Thankfully most of these vastu defects can be corrected with vastu remedies. But your must not lose

precious time while doing so. Bear in mind that marriage is a bond for life.

Though there is no fixed age for getting marriage, but there certainly is a range for it. Too much delay in the same can hamper the further plans in life, by creating health related complications.

Thus, if you are willing t settle down but some vastu defect is causing hindrance in it, make sure to shoo it away with easy remedy.

To seek timely and auspicious marriage, rely on the expertise of Best vastu consultant in Kolkata.

Contact Vaastu Mangaal for best result.


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