Why Vastu Consultant in Kolkata Favors West Pada 3 Main Door So Much?

When it comes to west facing vastu consultant in Kolkata recommends caution, especially for its main door. However, they favor placing its entrance over the pada 3 for good result. Vastu consultant in Kolkata says that the main entrance of any vastu determines its overall auspiciousness up to a great extent. The same rule applies for west facing vastu too.

The sugreev pada is commonly referred as the West pada 3, which falls in between Daurvika and Pushpadanta padas (respectively the pada 2 and 4).

The west pada 3 is considered as a positive entrance for the vastu, not only for west side but among all 4 sides as well. This entrance is considered lucky for its occupants, since it brings huge growth and unbelievable and enviable prosperity.

So, if your are making or buying a property with its main door facing towards west, make sure that its door is placed in the pada 3, insists vastu consultant in Kolkata. In case the main door stretches over pada 2, then you need to apply the remedies for it, since pada 2 is a negative gate. 

However, if the main door is present over pada 3 and 4, you can enjoy the benefits of both these positive gates. Despite popular misconception that west facing vastus are bad for its occupants, vastu consultant in Kolkata favors west pada for its main gate and reminds that there is no such thing as good or bad direction. As long as you adhere to the vastu shastra guidelines, you can utilize the benefits of all the zones of the vastu for your benefits.

Reach out to the top notch vastu consultant in Kolkata for getting complete main door vastu of your property. Visit Vaastu Mangaal for all your vastu related needs.


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