
Showing posts from July, 2022

Vastu Consultant in India Explains The Basic of Vastu Shastra!

Vastu consultant in India reports that more and more people are seeking vastu correction and evaluation for their respective properties in the past few years. However, it is still startling since they finds that many people lack the basic understanding of the vastu shatsra itself. If you are one of them, then this blog is just for you. Vastu consultant inIndia addresses this lack of knowledge and presents this blog so that you can know what vastu shatsra exactly is. So make sure to stay with us till the very end. Let us begin with understanding the meaning of the term itself. Vastu shastra comprises of 2 terms, vastu, and shastra. ‘Vastu’ refers to any place of living or land. The root of this word vastu is vas, which itself means to live, or reside. The term ‘shastra’ means teachings or doctrine. To overall term vastu shastra implies to the sacred scripture or knowledge of architecture and planning. We often hear the term in daily lives in context of vastu puja for new land...

Learn About The Triple Importance of NE Zone from bastu Shastra Consultant!

While bastu shastra consultant in Kolkata carry out the vastu evaluation of any property they particularly focus on one zone in which is the North east zone in the vastu. The north east zone has dual distinctive features makinges it extra special. Its time to see these features are with the help of expert bastu shastra consultant in Kolkata . 1. As ishan zone-  This is the zone where the Lord Shiva resides in the vastu, thereby deriving its name as ishan zone in vastu. For obvious reason this zone is most suitable for temple placement as per vastu shastra. You can offer prayers to any faith and any deity in here. 2. As head of the vastu purush-  The head of the vastu purush lies in the zone of north east while his feet points towards south west lying on the ground. Thus, it signifies the mental aspect of its individuals. Any defect is here will adversely affect the mentality of its occupants. 3. The north east zone also signifies the water element in vastu. It brings many good...