Vastu Consultant in India Explains The Basic of Vastu Shastra!
Vastu consultant in India reports that more and more people are seeking vastu correction and evaluation for their respective properties in the past few years.
However, it is still startling since they finds that many people lack the basic understanding of the vastu shatsra itself. If you are one of them, then this blog is just for you.
Vastu consultant inIndia addresses this lack of knowledge and presents this blog so that you can know what vastu shatsra exactly is. So make sure to stay with us till the very end.
Let us begin with understanding the meaning of the term itself. Vastu shastra comprises of 2 terms, vastu, and shastra.
‘Vastu’ refers to any place of living or land. The root of this word vastu is vas, which itself means to live, or reside. The term ‘shastra’ means teachings or doctrine. To overall term vastu shastra implies to the sacred scripture or knowledge of architecture and planning.
We often hear the term in daily lives in context of vastu puja for new land or building construction and also during buying or selling of plot etc.
Just like holy texts of veda and purana, vastu Shasta too is a complete compilation of knowledge focused on building and architecture. It includes importance of the site-planning and its making home layout etc.
Vastu-shastra is all about the science of construction or
architecture with reference to the laws and elements of nature, says Vastu consultant in India.
It was developed between the period of 6000 BCE to 3000 BCE as per multiple sources. Even the archeological sites of Harappa, Mohenjo-daro etc has evidence of Vastu Shashtra principles.
Vastu shastra is carried out in order to improve the standard of living of its residents. It aims to making the building architecture compliant with respect to the directions and the elements of nature, which includes 16 directions and 5 elements of nature, namely; water, air, fire, earth and space.
Both positive and negative types of energy exist around us. When the building and land upon which it sits are as per vastu rule, it will channel the positive energy, while ignoring the same will channel the negative energy for its occupants.
Vastu shastra includes guidelines of both indoors and outdoors. However, for obvious reasons, most vastu evaluation is done for indoor only.
We spend majority of the day indoors in any building, be it home, office, school, restaurant, temple, hospital, theater, shopping mall, or so on.
If we can make the architect of these buildings as per vastu rules, it will bring positive effects for its occupants. It will uplift the standard of their living in numerous ways like good health, money, stability, marriage, career, education, social connection, savings, reputation, banking, support, and so on.
For complete guidance of vastu shastra, contact the expert Vastu consultant in India only at Vaastu Mangaal.
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