what should be the ideal floor plan in south facing house vastu!
Are you about to make a south facing house vast u for yourself? This blog is perfect for you! Today we will discuss how the floor plan of any south facing house vastu should look like. i. Main gate- for best result you need place the main gate in the south pada 2, 3 or 4 only. Avoid other entrances, especially in the south west corner. ii. Temple- temples should lie in the north east zone for best result and south facing house vastu is no exception. iii. Toilet- there are 3 zones for it- south of south west, west of north west and east of south east. The toilet should restrict in these zones to ensure no bad energy spreads from it. iv. Bedroom- the north, south, east, west, south of south east, south west, east of north east are all positive zones for sleeping in vastu. Couples can also sleep in north of north west zone. v. Living- there are many positive zone in vastu for the same. You can place the sofa unit in the south and south of south east zone to relax with family....